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Educational Ideals

No joke kiddos, if I had to have someone play me in a movie biography about my life at the moment, I would cast Jane Lynch and have her play the character of Sue Sylvester from Glee. Not that I am currently coaching a nationally ranked cheerleading squad, but I do like her attitude about students.

I really just think that people have become too soft about education, parents take any possible excuse not to be involved in their child's education. Examples: "Isn't that the schools job?" "I am too busy with work right now." etc. I'm sure you can think of one yourself, but this is something that makes me very frustrated as a teacher. I am not saying that I have all the answers or that I am even close to finding an answer to this epidemic, but I just hope that parent's understand (SOON) how important it is to be involved in their students education. I have students, daily, not turning in every single homework assignment that I assign for them. Students and Parents look at me with the same puzzled eyes when I say that I don't give negative consequences for not turning in homework (i.e. take away recess or privileges). They never ask why, but I tell them that I feel grades should be incentive or punishment enough. Everything, EVERYTHING is reflected in students grades. Knowledge, Motivation, even character is shown in grades. The better the student's character (ex: trustworthiness, responsibility, respect, fairness, caring, citizenship) the better their grades. If parents knew this wouldn't they be trying harder to instill these qualities into their children. Students nowadays are some of the most lazy, apathetic, disorganized, irresponsible, and disrespectful I have seen. I don't know what has happened from my generation to the next but something is lacking.

All I know is when I was in Elementary school and/or Jr. High I never had "Character Training". Character wasn't taught, it was expected. I will admit that there are always some students that need an extra push and have to strive harder to have good character but the degree of apathy is what gets to me the most. I feel like I have to bring something AMAZING to the table every day to get the kids to care enough just to pay attention, shouldn't education/knowledge be enough? I think every American needs to switch places with someone in a 3rd world country for just 24 hours and see how good they have it, and I'm only talking about one aspect of life, education. Parents and students think that all the responsibility falls on the educational system: teachers, administration, the state to teach about everything (including normal social behaviors).

EH... I'm just blowing off steam. I really need to get into some full contact sport... anyone know of a good boxing gym?