Poem #12
Swept Out to Sea
Wading out in the black night sky
Ripples float on this mirrored surface
I am upsetting the delicate balance
Ebb and Flow
Push and Pull
Light and Dark
Cold waters surround me
My chest constricts and I hope for the best
Confused I reach out to the darkness
Upside down or Right-side up
Safety or Shackled
Sinner or Saint
I am met with a crashing wave and bitter emotion
The stars that once led me now taunt me
The shoreline is lost; my horizon fades
Washed yet Stained
Vision yet Blurred
Saved yet Damned
Journey far from finished
My arms burn tired and my legs say, "Quit!"
The taste of salt pollutes my mouth and frustrates my eyes
Stop for No one
Struggle for Life
Reach for Me
Your Beautiful Disaster