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Perfectly Tragic

Why do I lie and wait
Your eyes speak a language of truth
Beauty is found in less

No more beauty can fit in you
No more beauty can come out of you
Your eyes harbor truth

They are the breaking dawn
For the dark confusion
Locked away in the catacombs of my heart

The storm is brewing
Like a long forgotten stew
Now reaching it's boiling point

A labyrinth is lying in wait
The choices a fog thick with indecision
What lies in wait around the next corner

Is it friend or foe, both new, both change
Following a trail of bread crumbs left by travelers lost
Wishing to blaze my own path

My compass needle spins
With no particular purpose
Leaving me to determine my own direction

It becomes a demanding task to think
When you are near and my heartbeat quickens
Becoming the sound of hummingbird wings

It becomes a demanding task to think
When you are gone and my heartbeat softens
To a muffled whisper spoken only on pillow tops

My pain, my pleasure are mixed together
Not tasting one without the other
I gladly suffer in silence
Upon beautiful coincidence
My oath never broken
Questions become unspoken

Why do I lie and wait
My world halts, my voice faults
Because your eyes

Speak a language of truth

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