Vacuums Suck and So Do You
YOU SUCK! No, really you do. Don't get all offended until you hear why I said it... Can you give me 10 minutes to explain. You'll think about it? Okay, well while you think about it read the rest of my blog and hopefully it will make you think more.Boys suck, girls suck, kids suck, parents suck, teachers suck, cops suck, bosses suck, the President sucks, Muslims suck, Jews suck and Christians suck! Why, because human beings (everyone) is a metaphorical vacuum; sucking in whatever they can to fill the metaphorical void in their lives. If you haven't noticed yet... it's all metaphorical. People suck... whatever they feel will fill the void in their lives, money, sex, TV, video games, clothes, relationships, “toys”, golf, Facebook, etc. The realization that people must come to is that all the things that you try and fill your life with won't make life any better. If they do make your life better, you end up asking yourself, “How long will it last?” When it does finally flicker, smolder and die out you ask yourself, “How can I get it back?”
Everyone's life is a vacuum, and the Christian's life is no different. Don't be so arrogant to think that just because you're a Christian that you don't suck. It can be the obvious sin that you keep hidden (let's not get confused. Yes, I did say “obvious” and “hidden” in the same sentence, but Christian's often hide sin and sin is the obvious first thing to think of... Thus “obvious” and “hidden” in the same sentence) sin is usually the easiest and most common thing that Christian's suck into their lives and it doesn't even have to be something horrible. However I have seen Christian's become too focused on being Christian. They completely turn off the world in which they live in and become sheltered and naive. My only objection to this lifestyle is how do you relate to the unchurched if you don't know the world they live in?
The misconception when people hear the word “sin” is they immediately think of the “bad sins”: The adultery, murder, sex before marriage, swearing, etc. Let's define “sin” is a very simple way that takes away the titles “mild, bad, horrible” from sins; sin is anything that takes your focus off of God. Why do I define sin in that way, because if something takes your focus off of God then you are ultimately not focusing on what God's purpose is for your life. Matthew 6:10 says, “your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” and those are the words that need to keep you focused on what to suck into your void. You need to suck God's will into your life.
Don't get caught up in the easy argument of what type of vacuum you are, it doesn't matter if you're a Hoover, Kenmore, Oreck or a Dyson. Here's the key to all vacuums, they suck (and so do you). What you have to get past is the fact that you suck, and move on to recognizing what you are sucking into your life.
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