Job, Career, Life

I have a theory about having a job, if you're not doing what you want then you get sick of it really really REALLY quickly. I have had numerous jobs in my short employment life-span: pizza boy, host, Hot Topic, stock boy, copy boy, Barista (coffee boy), Delivery Boy, Teaching Assistant, Distribution (warehouse worker), Teacher; the only problem is that I only wanted to do one of these jobs for more than 2 years. Why 2 years? My theory centers around a 2 year shelf life for jobs you don't want to do for the rest of your life. I have never been employed at a job that I haven't questioned after 12-18 months and then left after 2 years. The only job I would love to do for the rest of my life is be a Delivery Boy, or at least perform/write sketch comedy.

The only reason this is coming to mind is because my 2 years is up at teaching and I am feeling the same thing again. I thought wh
en I started teaching that it would be close enough to something slightly resembling psychology that I would be ok with it, that it would soothe me into being comfortable. I just realized something though, teaching is a very shallow pond. There is no real room for growth, once you're a 6th grade teacher there isn't much else you can change about it. I've hit the ceiling and it scares me. I know that all I have to do is go back to school and get more education and I can teach in different settings, but I DON'T WANT TO TEACH! At least not yet in my life. I want to be a counselor, I want to do what I know I was meant to, I want to feel like I have purpose. I want to provide for my family, I want to help people... most of all I want to be happy. What depresses me (all most everyday) is, I don't see any of this happening any time soon.

1 comment

AJ Teaters | July 20, 2009 at 10:41 PM

It will happen soon and u haven't even taught 6th grade for 2yrs yet. Soo u still have another yr before you're allowed to get antsy;). - From your wife!

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